Diabetes Research
Diabetes in Pregnancy
Women with diabetes in pregnancy continue to have poor pregnancy outcomes compared to women without diabetes. Strict blood sugar control before and during pregnancy can reduce pregnancy complications. Despite the hard work of women with diabetes and their healthcare teams, very few women achieve guideline recommended blood sugar targets.
Type 1 Diabetes Studies
Using individuals from the CONCEPTT study, CONCEPTT Kids is assessing the association between mother’s blood glucose during pregnancy on their child’s IQ, social responsiveness, attention and language scores. Recruitment is from CONCEPTT enrollment.
Type 2 Diabetes Studies
The Next Generation Study
Next Generation, or NextGen, is a research that studies Indigenous children of a parent who is living with type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or doesn’t have any diabetes. We want to answer important questions about why type 2 diabetes runs in some families and what risks exist. Our goal is to prevent the progression, treat early, or support families to live well with diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes Studies
Fundamental Mechanisms of Gestational Diabetes
Recent findings from our lab and others has shown that mitochondrial dysfunction during pregnancy is linked to the development of gestational diabetes. We are using unique tissue restricted transgenic mouse models to investigate how altering the mitochondrial function affects glucose homeostasis during pregnancy.
Mechanisms of how Gestational Diabetes Influences Offspring Cardiovascular Health
Exposure to gestational diabetes is associated with a greater risk of heart disease in the offspring but little is known about why this occurs. Protein acetylation is a post-translational modification that controls energy production and utilization by the heart. Evidence suggests that protein acetylation is altered in diabetes and heart disease. We are using a combination of unique transgenic mouse models, ultrasound imaging, proteomic and metabolomic methods to investigate how exposure to gestational diabetes affects protein acetylation and the heart of the offspring.
Maternal Nutritional Therapies in Gestational Diabetes and Offspring Health
Using mouse models, we are investigating the therapeutic potential of small molecules derived from plants to improve glycemic control during pregnancy. We are also investigating their effects on offspring health and weather these molecules may mitigate the effects of gestational diabetes exposure on metabolic health in the offspring.